Volume 8, Issue 1 January - April 2024 [pp. 6-17]
The sculptor Pasiteles
Aeneas Kapouranis
PhD, Classical Archaeology at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
With the establishment of the Roman Empire, the best Greek artists put at the disposal of the Roman patrons their skills, serving their desires to create works of high quality and radiance. Among other media, Sculpture flourished, the new themes of which were mainly influenced by the masterpieces of the 5th and the 4th centuries BC. The imitation and the selective combination of the distinctive elements and various traits of Classical and Late Classical sculptures resulted in the creation of new, classicistic works. This paper gathers and critically approaches the written and archaeological sources on the life and work of the sculptor Pasiteles, who was active in Rome, during the first half of the 1st century BC, being one of the most important artists of this new style. He was a versatile artist, crafting in marble and other expensive materials, such as gold and ivory. Apart from this, he developed his skills in toreutics, and he was also a connoisseur of the previous ages of sculptural creation writing a related treatise.
Key words: Pasiteles, Classicism, Sculpture, Toreutics, 1st c. BC, Rome
COPYRIGHT: © Themata Archaiologias | Themes in Archaeology, 2024 - ISSN 2653-9292
Author for correspondence: aineiaskapuranis@gmail.com
The original article is in the Library of the Themes in Archeology
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International .
Τόμος 8, Τεύχος 1 Ιανουάριος - Απρίλιος 2024 [σ. 6-17]
Ο γλύπτης Πασιτέλης
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